Saturday, May 30, 2009


At Hudson Fest on May 30th we asked 52 people to name their "Favorite Place to Order Pizza". Seventeen pizza places were named but there was one clear favorite--Brothers Pizza on Cox Street. Here is the tally:

Brothers 11 votes

Lando's and Pizza Hut 5 votes

CJ's, Papa Gino's and Domino's 4 votes

Main Street 3 votes

Checkerboard, Juliana's, Bertucci's (Marlboro) 2 votes

Serrentos, Clockwork, Post Road, VFW, Bolton Roadhouse 1 vote each

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What Do You Believe?

The 2008-2009 Confirmands were invited to think about historic Christian creeds and then write their own. The following guidelines were offered to help the teens begin to think about the traditional categories of God, Jesus, Church, Bible, Heaven, etc. How would you respond?

1) Why would a person choose to be Religious?

“I don’t think there is a god. There is no proof. Science explains everything.”


2) Why would a person choose to be Christian?

“What difference does Jesus make? He’s just a dead guy like Abraham Lincoln.”


3) Why would a person belong to Church?

“Churches are boring and the people who go to them are losers.”


What do you enjoy most and least about the world?

What does the world tell you about God?

What are the most memorable stories about Jesus in the Bible?

Based on these stories, what do you believe about Jesus?

What church rituals and traditions remind you most of God and Jesus whom you described above? Name at least three. Why?

The Lord’s Prayer asks “Thy kingdom come, they will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. What do you imagine the kingdom looks like in heaven? What do you imagine the kingdom looks like on earth?

How can you be part of God’s kingdom in heaven?

How can you be part of God’s kingdom on earth?

ONCE you have answered these questions, try linking all of the ideas together to form a statement of faith. It could be prose or poetry; song or story. Just make sure it expresses what you REALLY believe and not what simply sounds good.