Friday, April 10, 2009

Front Porch for Maundy Thursday

One More Country Song!

One more week of country music and then I am free to reset my car radio from country music stations back to my favorite oldies and NPR stations. I have shared with the church that I choose this “discipline” for Lent to help me feel the depth of human suffering. Maybe you’ve heard this joke about country music:

What happens when you play a country record backwards?
You get out of prison.
Your wife comes back to you.
Your pickup truck is returned.
Your dog comes back to life.

That’s country music; the broken human condition, the broken family, the broken road. So I listen, I relate and I understand why I need God in my life. I hope your Lenten discipline has helped you too.

On this Holy Thursday of Lent I was listening to a song by Rascal Flatts and it reminded me of why we are following Jesus

o to the table at Passover Seder (tonight at 6pm)
o to the garden of Gethsemane (Friday at 6am)
o to his trial and sentencing (Friday at 11:30am)
o to his crucifixion (Friday at 7pm)
o and of course ultimately to his resurrection from the tomb (Sunday at 6, 8:15 and 10:45)

The song goes like this:

Tell me 'bout your mama, your daddy, your hometown, show me around
I wanna see it all, don't leave anything out
I wanna know everything about you then
And I wanna go down every road you've been
Where your hopes and dreams and wishes live
Where you keep the rest of your life hid
I wanna know the [one] behind that [loving] stare
Take me thereI wanna roll down Main Street, the back roads
Like you did when you were a kid
What made you who you are
Tell me what your story is
I wanna know everything about you then
And I wanna go down every road you've been
Where your hopes and dreams and wishes live
Where you keep the rest of your life hid
I wanna know the girl behind that pretty stare
Take me there

Rascal is singing about a girl he loves, showing her that her life interests him. Infatuation doesn’t care where a person has been, only what they can do for me in this moment. But true love retraces the steps, it remembers, it cherishes the road that brings two people together.

It is time for us to “go down every road you’ve been” with Jesus.

I’ll see you at the table, at the cross and at the tomb. So will Jesus.
-Pastor Doug

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